In this episode, Certified Bates Method Teacher, Nathan Oxenfeld interviews Gayle Maree and Allan Herring, the founders of 6 Dimensions of Healing and the hosts of the Virtual Mind, Body & Spirit Festival happening March 21-30, 2021.
Click Here to Register for the Virtual Mind, Body & Spirit Festival Online:
Gayle and Allan walk us through the 6 Dimensions of Healing (Physical, Mental, Emotional/Spiritual, Vibration, Intention, Attitude) and how to utilize them in your self-healing process.
The Virtual Mind, Body & Spirit Festival features about 30 practitioners over 10 days of celebrating holistic health and wellness. As the end of the pandemic nears, we all find ourselves at a fork in the road. We have a choice whether to go back to the way things were before, or we can step into a new version of ourselves and our lives. This virtual festival is designed to help facilitate you moving forward into more growth.
Attend Nathan's natural vision improvement workshop as part of the festival on Friday, March 26th, 2021.
COLOR WEEK is happening March 13th - 20th, 2021.
COLOR WEEK is a daily experience with COLOR LIGHTS world project . Let's share our love for COLOR. We want to see your pictures, thoughts, feelings about the colors. Post with #colorweek2021 on your social media accounts.
March 13 = RED
March 14 = ORANGE
March 15 = YELLOW
March 16 = GREEN
March 17 = TURQUOISE
March 18 = BLUE
March 19 = VIOLET
March 20 = MAGENTA
More info at
Utilizing Light & Color for Natural Vision Improvement Workshop Sunday, March 21, 2021 Sign up online:
Did you miss the Global Vision Summit in February? You can still get replays of all 30 speakers.